We are responsible to the communities that we represent. To provide them a service that will enhance their online community with a professional, informative and entertaining website.
We are responsible to the residents of the communities. To provide them a source of information pertaining to all aspects of their community that are inkeeping with the community's values and morals.
We are responsible to the businesses that advertise on and sponsor our pages. To do our best to ensure the success of their advertising campaign with fair pricing and quality design work.
We are responsible to the nonprofit and community organizations. To provide them a method to market and support their missions via our community websites.
We are responsible to our employees. To provide them a safe work environment, fair wages, opportunity for advancement, and equal opportunity regardless of sex, race or religion.
We are responsible to our subcontractors. To provide them agreeable and timely payment for services and adequate information for completion of the work ordered.
We are responsible to our suppliers. To provide them timely payment for products or services and to demand not the impossible but to request the reasonable.
We are responsible to the banks and creditors who have loaned us money. To submit payments timely and accurately.
We are responsible to our investors. To ensure their investment returns a reasonable profit.